Thursday, August 10, 2006

The EGinBA Index

Number of days in BAires: 16
Number of days leaving the apartment before 1pm: 0
Number of days asleep before 4am: 0
Number of hours walking per day, on average: 5
Number of times stepped in dogshit: 2 (both within one hour of the other)
Number of steaks eaten: ca. 10
Number of times I had "fries with that": 10
Number of taxis taken: ca. 12
Number of taxi rides that included extensive discussion about politics: all but 1
Number of taxi drivers who asked specifically if I was an "amigo de SeƱor Bush": 2
Number of taxi drivers who tried to shortchange me: 2
Number of films seen (in theatres): 2
Percentage seen alone (without companion): 100
Percentage of films that were American: 0
Percentage enjoyed thoroughly: 50
Number of museums attended: 0
Number of public parks or gardens: 4 or more (depending on how you define park)
Number of zoos attended: 1
Number of giraffes seen: 1
Number of rhinoceroses: 2
Lions: 3
Tigers: 0
Bears (oh my!): 3
Percentage of bears that were polar bears, just inches away, on the other side of the lexan glass: 66
Empanadas: Lots!
Percentage of empanadas that were thoroughly delicious: 100
Amount of American fast food consumed: Nada
Number of Macintosh computers seen: 3
Number of Macintosh computers seen solely as part of a room decoration: 2
Bottles of Malbec wine consumed, either alone or with companion: 5
Number of hangovers: 0
Street fairs attended: 2
Number of meat sandwiches consumed while walking amid street fairs: 3
Number of conversations arising spontaneously with unknown pedestrians: 4
Number of hours per day in internet cafes: 1 (average)

Good night


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